Hack The Planet
Welcome to the Hacker Wiki.
Docendo Discimus (“by teaching, we learn”)
Intro to OSes
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Intro to Hacking
Hacking Guides
Hacking with Kali
Misc. / Unsorted Guides
Lockpicking Lockpicking
The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto
By: Timothy C. May
A specter is haunting the modern world, the specter of crypto anarchy.
Hacker Poetry
In a recent episode of Off the Wall they discussed using ChatGPT to write hacker poetry. I decided to generate some of my own and share it here.
Telephone Time
Back in the day if you needed to know the time to set your clocks you called the telephone operator and asked her for the time. Over time this became a dedicated service where an operator would site in front of a microphone reading out the time, and anyone could call in and listen to her reading the time. In time it became an automated service, with a computer reading off the time.