Run the installer and install with the default settings.
Setting up the Virtual Machine inside VirtualBox
For clarity: the Windows system that VirtualBox runs inside of is called the Host System. The virtual computers and their Os's that run inside of virtual box are know as Guest Systems.
Make sure to get the 32 or 64 bit version, depending on your system.
Open VirtualBox, then select Machine → New from the top menu. This will open the 'Create Virtual Machine' wizard.
Name and Operating System screen:
Name: Kali
Type: Linux
Version: Other Linux (select 32 or 64bit as appropriate)
Click Next
Memory Size screen:
You will select here how much ram to allocate to the Guest System. Remember you will need memory for the Host, and each Guest that you are running.
I tend to set this to 3072MB if I'm installing Kali on the Guest System. If I'm planing on livebooting inside the Guest System, then I will go 4092MB or higher.
Click Next
Hard Disk screen:
If you are planning on livebooting Kali, then select 'do not add a virtual hard disk', then click Next.
If you are installing, select 'Create a Virtual Hard Disk Now' then click Next.(for this tutorial that is the option we are selecting.)
Hard Disk File Type screen:
Select 'VDI'
Click Next
Storage on Physical Hard disk Screen:
Select your preferred option
Click Next
File Location and Size screen
Select 12.00GB
Click Next
The Wizard will close and the newly created Guest machine will show up in the list.
Install Kali Linux inside VirtualBox
Select the Kali Virtual machine we just created, then click 'setting' at the top of the screen.
General Tab:
We don't need to change anything here, unless you made a mistake earlier and want to correct a setting.
As I tend to reinstall / replace guest systems frequently (My main Kali install is installed to my actual HDD as a dual boot system) I tend to use the description tab to keep track of passwords and settings related to the Guest system.
System Tab
Motherboard Tab: deselect 'floppy' in the boot order section.
Processor Tab: Select 'Enable PAE/NX if your Host System supports it.
Acceleration Tab: Select bot Hardware Virtualization options if your Host System supports it.
Display Tab
Increase Video memory as high as you can afford to go.
Audio Tab:
Unselect 'Enable Audio' if not needed.
Network Tab
Adapter 1: Select 'Enable' and Attach to 'VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter“
Click on Advanced and select Promiscuous Mode: Allow All, then click the blue button next to the MAC Address to generate a new, random address. Make sure the 'Cable Connected' box is checked.
Adapter 2,3, and 4: Select 'Disable'
Serial Port Tab:
Port 1,2,3, and 4: Disable all unless needed.
Storage Tab:
Click the virtual CD drive, then the blue Disk icon on the right. Select the Kali linux ISO we downloaded earler.
Click OK to close the Setting Menu.
Click the 'Start' button at the top of the screen to lanch the Guest System.
Install as per these directions. you can skip the 'Preparing for the Install' section.