====== Hacker Poetry ====== In a recent episode of [[https://www.2600.com/offthewall/ | Off the Wall]] they discussed using [[https://chat.openai.com/ | ChatGPT]] to write hacker poetry. I decided to generate some of my own and share it here.\\ ====== ====== -------------------- In the shadows of the internet, A world unseen, yet always present Lurks a force with curious intent The hacker, a master of ascent. With every keystroke and every click, They delve into the heart of it Finding secrets that others miss Their skills a digital toolkit. They move in silence, undetected Their exploits never fully suspected Wielding power, never rejected Their code, a language they've perfected. For some, it's a game, a quest For knowledge, power, to be the best While others use it for their own nest Stealing, manipulating at their request. But beware, for every action has a price And the consequences can be nice With cyber law and justice on the rise The hacker's power may soon suffice. So here's a lesson, and a warning too Be mindful of what you do online too For in the world of the digital view The hacker's reach, it can ensnare you. -------------------- In the digital world we call our own, Where code is king and hackers roam, A battle rages, a silent fight, With black hats seeking power and might. They penetrate the systems we trust, Stealing secrets, leaving us just, A shadow of our once secure state, Our private lives now open debate. But there are those who take the fight, Defenders of the digital light, White hats standing guard with care, Ensuring that our data's fair. They work in stealth, in code they delve, To stop the black hats from their theft, And in the end, the good prevails, Cyberspace is safe, and freedom sails. So let us stand, both night and day, Against the dark forces at play, Defend the ones we love, defend the truth, For a safer world, for a brighter youth ------------------- In the digital realm,\\ Hacker's fingers do the work,\\ Stealing secrets, fast.\\